Tuesday, November 15, 2022

November 2022 Work Day Recap

What a great weekend to be inside and quilting with so many of your Christian sisters   Many of you must have had the same idea as we had a huge turnout!  The room was packed.  Besides the 10 tables in the room, we also use an entire flat of additional tables.  Crowded?  No.  More people kept the room warmer. LOL 😁  

We welcomed several newcomers!  I think they all got a good impression of us except for maybe our one visitor who we locked out of the building with her stuff inside.  Oops!  Turned out okay so hopefully she'll give us another chance.  Love to see new faces as they always bring fresh ideas and energy to the group.  

Show and Tell was quite impressive again.  We turned in around 30 items to our various mission partners.  Be sure to check out the blog update in a few days to see all the photos.

  • finished quilts: 27 (YESS, Bidwell, LSI, SHP)  
  • 1 auction quilt,
  • 5 bags and wheelchair blankets for Care Ministry
  • 5 finished veteran quilts  (Be sure to show these pics to your guest who helped make the blocks.  They will enjoy seeing the finished product that resulted from their efforts!)
  • 12 dog bags of scraps😁😂
Some have asked about the December meeting.  We will be meeting at our regular time/date next month.  However, we are going to plan some fellowship events to celebrate the past year as well as the Christmas season.  All the sewing supplies will be available but feel free to bring last-minute Christmas gifts to work on if you need to.  Additionally, Saturday will involve an extended group discussion as we have the normal Devotion and Show and Tell.  But we will also go into sharing your experiences and the results of this year's challenge.  Whether you have something to show or just want to share what you got out of the challenge it will be fun to see and hear about the work you've done on your own.  

It was suggested we do another Challenge in 2023 so let's talk about how this should work for the upcoming year.   

As always, keep sewing, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Love hearing that you had a big turnout for your sew day! I'm not a bit surprised - you all are very welcoming... even if you accidentally locked-out a quilter. :-) Your generosity is always heart-warming. Have a lovely and blessed Advent season.


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