Sunday, February 20, 2022

February 2022 Work Day Recap

There was a really small gathering this month.  Maybe too cold for everyone??  But we had a great time discussing our challenge projects and showing progress.  You gals are on fire and really stretching yourself.  Isn't it fun to get encouragement from others and see progress on something you've set your mind to?  (Reminder of what the 2022 Fabric Challenge is:  Any member who is interested can join in.  There is no time limit for completion.  Just stretching yourself this year with a new sewing technique or a pattern that inspires but maybe looks a bit daunting...just go for it!)

We turned in 14 finished quilts, all beautiful as always! PHOTOS

There's been a small side-line donation effort going on for a refugee organization, Des Moines Refugee Support. So far there's been a couple sewing machines donated and a few sewing baskets filled with sewing notions, thank you to everyone who has pitched in to help with this donation!

And somebody must have been cleaning out their sewing rooms as we also took NINE dog beds to the shelter Furry Friends Rescue.  Yeah, keep those pups and kitties off the cold floor.

As always, it was so nice to be together.  Hope to see more of you as the weather starts to get nicer and the Covid numbers continue to decline.  Look for more news on a special Friday night outing in the near future  ðŸ˜€

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