Monday, September 13, 2021

September 2021 Work Day Recap

On the weekend of the 20th Anniversary of 9/11, Pastor Mike Householder reminded us that God calls us to be the Light of the World.  If you get a  chance and haven't heard this sermon yet, you'll find it at https://wwwlutheranchurchof

At Hope Quilters meeting, we spoke of our memories of 9/11 but we also reflected on the challenges in the world today, both locally and nationally as well as within our HQ family.  It was comforting to have each other to share with and to pray with.  Mike pointed us to Psalm 27.  I encourage you to read and reflect on it.

The Lord is my light and my salvation—

    whom shall I fear?  Psalm 27:1


  • Quilt Auctions:  We got news from each of the Bible Camp auctions.  Our quilts at Okoboji made  $2,525.  The quilts at Riverside raised $1,970.  These auctions raise money for programs and scholarships to the Bible Camps.  
  • Show and Tell was awesome as always.  Check out the blog to see the photos in a couple days.  We had 18 mission quilts, 4 lap blankets for the Care Ministry, and 4 dog beds.
  • Remember our retreat on September 23, 24, and 25!  Look for an email with all the details in the next week or so.  One member will be making walker bags all three days so you can watch her and get some tips.  She doesn't have a specific pattern and she thought it would be easier to learn by doing than try to write something up so be sure and take advantage of this opportunity!

Lastly, we'll leave you with a thought-provoking devotion that was shared with us at the meeting.  


Lord, we gather today to learn to quilt. We ask your blessing on our efforts
and ask also that we learn more than just how to make quilts.
That in learning to safely cut our quilt pieces, we learn that our tongues can also
be sharp instruments that can quickly cut someone and cause them pain.
That in learning to carefully measure and plan, we also learn to measure our actions
against your high standard so that others can see you in us.
That in the accurate stitching together of the pieces, we learn that we are stitched
together by your love, respect, and honor to the part you give each in your patchwork quilt.
That the pattern which we see at the end of our work will remind us that
the completed pattern that you have for our lives cannot be seen until we join with you.
Bless our work, our words, and our companionship.
Whatever we learn, we give you the thanks and the glory.


As always, don't forget to check out the PHOTOS page to see the quilts turned in!

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful to know how much Hope Quilters is blessing Okoboji and Riverside camps! You-all are so-o good! And thank you for sharing this prayer. Whoever wrote it must certainly be a knowledgeable and faithful quiltmaker. The words are spot-on.


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