We welcomed first time attendee Cheryl M. to the group. Devotions and a bit of business followed.
But first we were honored to present a quilt to David M. a Hope members who is on the board of Family Promise of Greater Des Moines. Formerly known as the Interfaith Alliance, it is a unique shelter program run by 14 congregations (including LCOH) in the Des Moines area, which has provided 3,300 nights of shelter and 10,000 meals to families in need, according to an article in the Des Moines Register.
This is the quilt donated by Hope Quilters for an auction to raise much needed funding for the Family Promise program.
The planned day then moved in a different, God-driven direction as Karen R. brought in her entire collection of fabrics, along with a sewing machine, books, patterns and notions. I cannot properly express our thanks for her donation to Hope Quilters. We were understandably overwhelmed by Karen's generosity. As the church always says, "It's a God thing!". And it truly is. There is no other way to put it when God is at the heart of how we live our life story. God brought Karen to Hope Quilters. We will use her generous gifts to make the quilts, totes, breast cancer pillows and other items to bring comfort and warm those in need. PRAISE GOD!!
We did pick out fabrics for the tote bags, and several cut out the pieces and will make them at home. Tiffany worked on the Ghana altar cloth she started. Linda B. selected backing for another Mercy PICU quilt. Rachel S. found several fabrics for the backing for a larger quilt top made by Jean D. Several HQers sorted and put away the newly donated fabrics and other items.
Thank you again for your generous gift to Hope Quilters and our projects.
This is a quilt top, batting and backing donated by Karen R. which is ready to be quilted. |
What a generous donation! Oh my! Wish I could have been there to help sort it and get it organized. I'm sure there will be some wonderful quilts coming from Hope Quilters.