Tuesday, March 11, 2025

March 2025 Work Day Recap

Friday: snow, sleet, rain, wind.......brrrrrrrr!  We still had a huge group that came to Hope Waukee for sorting, sewing and congregating!  

Saturday: sunny, warm, beautiful.......won't complain!  We still had a great group but everyone's mood was sooooooo much better!

We had a very generous donation from The Iowa Quilt Block.  Sorting through the new fabric just sets the creative juices flowing!  Speaking of creative energy, Show and Tell was awesome!  See the awesome  pictures on the PHOTO page!  We distribute nearly 60 items for our mission partners and Care Ministry!  You gals rock!  Also, loved the stories people are sharing about how much people are loving the walker bags.  What a blessing!  
    Not a very long update this month, which means machines and hands were busy making quilts, book pillows, walker bags, dresses for Dress A Girl, and even a doggie bed this time around.  Here's to longer and warmer days ahead, and more creativity flowing through our group!  Hopefully, some of our snowbirds will be joining us again in April.  Won't they be surprised at the number of new faces!

    Until April, be blessed!