Monday, November 10, 2014

November Work Day

Our mission is to serve God in the world by making quilts that give warmth, comfort and support for those in need.
Hope Quilters vision is to grow and learn in fellowship and fun while designing and creating quilts for others, at home and in the world.
While I truly believe in this mission. I believe that those in attendance Saturday could truly feel the warmth of the Holy Spirit in the room as we lived out this mission.  And the variety of quilt designs that you came up with for the children's quilts was evidence of your living out our vision.

A trunkful of children's quilts were sent with Mike Buck, off to Lutheran Services of Iowa.  Thanks to you we were able to provide 23 quilts to LSI for their Christmas program that supplies beds to children in need.


Our December meeting date will coincide with the Women's Christmas Brunch.  I wanted to encourage you to sign up for the brunch if you desire.  We will still have Room 212 on Friday and Saturday for those of you who would like to quilt.  There would be plenty of time to do both if you wish.  We don't have any pressing business to discuss so we'll have our devotion for those in attendance and otherwise start to tackle other projects as you so desire.  We have several missions that we will supply quilts for in 2015.   The ASP mission always welcomes quilts of any size.  This trip is scheduled for June.  Mission Navajo also enjoyed taking along some quilts.  They have trips planned in March, June and September.  And Mike Buck talked about other LSI programs that would benefit from quilts so I think we should consider them a recipient of our quilts on a regular basis.    Any of these missions would likely accept anything.  If you are wondering what projects to do I think that both adult and children's quilts in throw or twin sizes are a good choice and will serve most any need we have.   We will also continue to supply quilts for the Riverside and Okaboji Bible Camp auctions in the summer.
At the meeting we discussed purchasing some wide back fabric to help us finish those quilts.  This will be easier on the quilters and shouldn't take away from our selection of fabrics for quilt tops.  Several members are going to come back to the meeting with some figures and then we'll discuss a purchase with Missions.  
The next retreat date is set for January 23rd and 24th.  Put this on your calendar. It should be a perfect time to get together and get out of the cold and forget about the bleak and dreary weather.  And if we get snowed it, we'll just have to sew all night.  How bad can that be?
Thanks to Rachael Smith for accepting my request to help me with devotions.  I truly appreciate it.