Saturday it was snowing - many of us wanted to stay home and look out at the beautiful, large fluffy flakes coming straight down - it looked like a giant snow globe outside. But, quilting called us, so we came in to do what quilters do - meet, greet and have fellowship with each other as we tackled our projects. Of course there is always "show and tell" after devotions and a short business meeting.
And then not to let any fabric be wasted, use the leftovers in a tote bag - this is one "in progress"
A number of quilts have been completed, some for our mission ministries, and several personal quilts to show each other what we've been working on at home. Quilters are always busy.
On the left below is a quilter's own quilt with
embroidered blocks centered in homespun squares.
In the center are pillow cases made with selvages, another
quilter's work at home.