Hope Quilters were working on Okoboji, Mercy PICU and women’s shelter (now
referenced as Domestic Violence Services) quilts on Saturday, February 9th.
Some quilters came and stayed for the whole day, others for part of the
day. We had a great time visiting and quilting together. At the end
of the day there were quilts ready to be delivered to Mercy and to C&FI.
We also worked on the Ghana altar cloths. There is still much work
needed on this project.
continuing to work on the quilts for Okoboji’s Christopherhaus dorm. So
far seventeen quilts have been delivered out of the 37 we committed to
making. We have several more ready for delivery. The earlier goal was to have all of the quilts
completed by the March 9th work day. I believe this can be
pushed out to April 13th. Family Camp season will start soon, and we’d like to have all of the quilts at camp and ready to be used. Here's a link to that schedule for 2013. If you are having difficulty in getting a quilt
finished, please bring it to the March work day and we’ll work together on it.
We do handwork to finish and label the quilts
Sorting blocks for placement; fabrics need to be ironed as well
Visiting, catching up on news and family and events is an important part of the comradrie of quilting together. We share stories and we help each other on our quilts.

Progress is being made on altar cloths for the Ghana churches.
We do handwork to finish and label the quilts
Visiting, catching up on news and family and events is an important part of the comradrie of quilting together. We share stories and we help each other on our quilts.
Progress is being made on altar cloths for the Ghana churches.