Sunday, February 9, 2025

February 2025 Work Day Recap

The weather wanted to put us on all edge this weekend, but finally settled down to a small flurry and that was it!  So a nice weekend of fellowship and sewing managed to continue!

The devotional was a good reminder in the way of an allegory of using small scraps of fabric to make a large beautiful quilt.  God takes all the small parts of our lives, good and bad, and makes a beautiful life out of it in the end, if we could only think of it this way.  He has it planned out, and He knows the outcome.

We had some returning new faces, and some help explaining the Walker Bags to a couple of gals.  Some comments made when speaking of these Walker Bags are, "scared", "don't understand", and "too complicated for my brain".  Really though, once you've made ONE, it will be much easier.  If you are interested in making one, try to make one while gals are there who've made one before.  That is very helpful to figuring out how to put it together!

We are planning another Sleep in Heavenly Peace day for Hope Quilters and their spouses to have a work day making beds.  More information to be put out in the future.  If you want to know more about this organization, go here:

Quilt counts this weekend:
LSI - 6
Agape - 6
SHP - 3
Door of faith - 3
Families Forward - 5
Care Ministry - 2 quilts, 17 bags

Pictures are on the blog!

That's it for this month!  See you in March!